Every machining process has latent potential
for boosting productivity. There is significant
potential for improvement even in seemingly
secondary machining operations. This issue is
demonstrated by the new generation of countersinks.
The newly developed countersink operates
with significantly reduced axial forces. The
cutting edges on the countersinks have an
unequal spacing. With this spacing, the axial
forces are reduced by more than 50% and the
radial forces by 25% compared with conventional countersinks. Such optimised operating
conditions create far less vibrations at the
tool, allowing higher accuracies and better
surface finishes to be achieved. The precision of the countersink leads to an immediately improved contact of bolted and riveted
joints, eliminating settling of the joint under
load after assembly. The reduced load on the
machine also increases the life of the tools.
Thanks to the smooth and stable running, the
tools can also be operated with higher cutting
values. The result is significant time savings.